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Community Update

October 03, 2024

Spring started a month early this year. Typically, February is a cold month and homeowners do not have landscape scheduled, this year has been an exception, and the growth of weeds and grass has placed a strain on schedules for residential landscape companies. The compliance inspection team will delay the next inspection until April 29th to allow time to get back on track. Calloway Gardens has supplied a $50 gift card to the most improved yard and a $50 gift card for the yard of the month. We will award the winners May 1st.

We need Volunteers:

The board is seeking volunteers for the ACC committee to evaluate the planned changes for homeowners in the community.

This committee will be called the Architectural Control Committee, or ACC, and will get the plans from homeowners for changes, review and vote on them following the outlined guidelines in Bretton Woods Design Guidelines and documents.

Per the new state law, no Board member, or anyone who lives in the same home as a Board Member, may be on the ACC Committee.

If you would like to put your name forth for this committee, please return the attached candidate form to lindsay@legacysouthwestpm.com, The next scheduled board meeting the board with vote to approve the members of the committee.

Thank you in advance for volunteering your time to Bretton Woods.

Click here to download and complete the ACC canidate form

Click here to download and complete the Committee Sign Up Sheet April 2024

Bretton Woods HOA

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